Children helping Children

plastic boxes for donations, children donation schoolsupplies

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How it started
It all began when the opportunity arose to ship goods to the Dominican Republic, thanks to generous sponsorship. Thus, the idea of the school project was born. A project not only focused on collecting material goods, but on providing a future perspective to children who need it most.

In the Dominican Republic, children have the right to free education, yet the costs of school uniforms and supplies remain a heavy burden for many parents. With the Domino Foundation, we work on various ways people can support these children. The school project is one of those ways.

Our first school
The Bernadette Maria School in Delft was the venue for our first school project, where we were warmly welcomed. In each of the nine classes, we had the opportunity to place a box where children could donate their school supplies. It was heartwarming to see how parents were informed via the newsletter and how the response surprised us after two weeks. The filled boxes exceeded our expectations, filled not only with practical school supplies, but also with countless nice extras, some even lovingly wrapped as gifts.

Thank you
All of this was made possible thanks to the support of our sponsors. A special thanks goes to PLUS Tanthof for sponsoring the boxes and to De Stickerstudio in collaboration with Zegwaard Rioolontstopping for the beautiful stickers with our logo. Their contributions to this project have helped reach even more children.

The donated items will soon be on their way to the Dominican Republic, where they will make a world of difference for the children there. Now we stand on the eve of our second school project at the St Dionysius School in Schinnen.
But our mission does not stop here. We continue to search for ways to improve the lives of children in the Dominican Republic. Do you want to be part of this movement too? Visit our website for more information and follow us on social media to stay updated on our journey.

Together, we can truly make a difference. Let’s help children wherever they are, because in their smiles lies the promise of a hopeful future for us all.

Take a look at out partners

Elbia tours & Rondreizen santo domingo

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